uday's blog

The Road Not Taken ...by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;


Then took the other, as just as fair,

And having perhaps the better claim,

Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

Though as for that the passing there

Had worn them really about the same,


git pull does not refresh local branch from remote

I tried to pull remote branch to my local machine, but it did not get updated locally. Tyring to resolve this issue.

$git pull origin

$git branch -a

I was on master branch locally.

$git diff membership_module origin/membership_module

The above shows that local branch is different than the remote branch.I was expecting no changes in local and remote branches after a pull.

$git pull origin membership_module:membership_module

Now it shows error as non-fast-forward

How to reset the Oil Maintenance message for 2008 Toyoyta Avalon

  • Turn the key to the on position.
  • Determine that the odometer reading is displayed. (It’s the trip-meter “A” that you want to be displaying.)
  • Turn the key back off.
  • Push and hold the reset button for the trip meters. (Same button as used to navigate between the odometer and the two trip meters.)