How to set up Ubuntu 20.04 laptop

Recently, I could not boot into my laptop because the laptop ran out of space. No attempt to resize sda was successful. Since the disk was encrypted, I could not even access my data files.

I had to wipe out my current installation of Ubuntu 18.10 and install Ubuntu 20.04

Here are the steps I had to take to get the laptop ready.

0. Create Ubuntu iso image CD and install Ubuntu 20.04 onto laptop.

1. Install Mullvad VPN client

2. Customize Firefox browser

3. Install

4. Install KeePassXC

5. a) Create SSH key, b) add SSH key to the SSH agent and then c) SSH Private key to ssh-agent to our default path

$ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "email"

$eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

$ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa

6. Now copy the SSH key to your respective servers using followiing command


More information to add SSH public key to server is provided here.

7. Install Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Git, PostgreSQL

8. Upgrade Git to latest version

9. Upgrade npm to latest version

$sudo npm install npm@latest -g

10, Install Atom editor and useful atom packages.

11. Use rbenv to switch between ruby versions.

$rbenv install -l

$rbenv install <version>

12. Install Hey mail (Instructions for installation on Pop!_OS run from terminal as $hey-mail )

